Become a Member
Becoming a member of LDRC comes with a sense of pride, knowing that your donation improves the livelihood of an entire community. Your membership dollars help elevate events and promote economic development while preserving our history.
Friend $125
Business listing on our website in the Membership Directory
Email updates on news and opportunities for LDRC Members
Free promotion and publicity of your business in the monthly e-newsletter
Increased visibility for your business
Access to business referrals
Your donations helps to continue revitalization efforts on behalf of LDRC
Advance notification of educational sessions, workshops, and mixers
Social media shares on LDRC Facebook & Instagram channels
Supporter $250
All of the above PLUS:
Marketing your business at select LDRC events (enjoy a free booth at one event per year)
Public recognition at all LDRC events
Investor $500
All of the above PLUS:
Marketing your business at select LDRC events (enjoy a free booth at two events per year)
Public recognition at all LDRC events
Captain $1000
All of the above PLUS:
Marketing your business at select LDRC events (enjoy a free booth at all events yearly)
Public recognition at all LDRC events
Opportunity for VIP Access at select LDRC events
Non-Profit $100
Your Non-Profit Benefits for less!
Opportunity for discounted event participation at select events
Individual $35
We appreciate your generous donation!
Family $50
We appreciate your generous donation!